
Tag : acetaminophen

Determining the Effect of Acetaminophen on Peroxidases in Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon by Altering Acetaminophen Concentrations During Watering

By: Marisa Peine and Abigail Lukowicz Abstract Increasing amounts of pharmaceutical medications have been found in water treatment plants, leading to a concern for the ecological implications of these drugs. Research suggests that the effect of acetaminophen, particularly, on humans and mice is dependent on the levels of GSH peroxidase. If the levels are too low to control the acetaminophen, the drug becomes toxic to the organism, including plants, as many studies suggest, whose detoxification mechanisms are similar to the […]

Acid-Base extraction of an Analgesic Tablet

The purpose of this experiment was to practice technique and acid-base extraction by separating and purifying the components of a common analgesic tablet. Analysis The purpose of this experiment was to separate and purify the components of an analgesic tablet. Furthermore, the separations allowed for practice of acid-base extractions. This experiment tested laboratory technique, considering that the pill used, Excedrin, contains only milligrams of the drugs to be separated: acetaminophen, caffeine, and aspirin (see Table A for acid/base comparison by […]