
Paraphrasing Exercise

Paraphrasing Exercise

Paraphrasing by Definition: Express the meaning of (the writer or speaker or something written or spoken) using different words, especially to achieve greater clarity.


Several compelling sources from Karnasiewic’s essay “The Campus Crusade for Guys” agree that strong affirmative action exists for males in many postsecondary schools. Public schools attempt to balance gender ratios in spite of applicants’ merit and the law. In fact, recent anti-affirmative action lobbying may have driven such policies behind locked doors (910).

Paraphrase with Quote

Several compelling sources from Karnasiewic’s essay “The Campus Crusade for Guys” agree that strong affirmative action exists for males in many postsecondary schools. Public schools attempt to balance gender ratios in spite of applicants’ merit and the law. In fact, Karnasiewic admits recent counter lobbying “did not so much end affirmative action for men as drive it underground” (910).

Paraphrase w/ Quotes

Several compelling sources from Karnasiewic’s essay “The Campus Crusade for Guys” agree that strong affirmative action exists for males in public schools, despite applicants’ merit. Karnasiewic says “Tom Mortenson, [. . .] who in the mid-‘90s was one of the first scholars to draw attention to the gender gap [concurs], ‘I know affirmative action for boys is being practiced, especially on liberal arts campuses where the gap is biggest [. . .] because I’ve had administrators tell me so’ (Karnasiewic 910).” In fact, recent anti-affirmative action lobbying may have driven such policies behind locked doors. Another of Karnasiewic’s sources, Thompson, asserts, “there are already many informal affirmative action policies”(qtd in 910).

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