
Category : Languages and literature

Pride and Prejudice: Exposing Social Structures Without Judging Them

Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice has long been a topic of discussion when considering the social structures and the implications of these in the 1700s. Praised and criticized for the assumed motives and intention of her writing, Austen brought about a different perspective and style to the literature of her time. Pride and Prejudice broke the mold set forth by the writers that came before her in that it didn’t serve as a fantasy of romanticized fictitious characters but rather […]

What Dr. King Really Meant in his: I Have a Dream Speech

In 1963 one of the major staples of the whole Civil Rights Movement was born. While leading the March on Washington, Dr. King delivered his most famous speech during his life. The I Have a Dream speech spoke of the hopes of what was wanted to be achieved from the Civil Rights Moment. In it King referenced man historical documents and statements about freedom such as, “They were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. […]

Literary Analysis of “To Kill a Mockingbird”

In the book To Kill A Mockingbird there are many characters with important roles. The character I am going to choose is Atticus, because he is very important to the story. Atticus is a character who appears throughout the entire book and has many good traits that society should have. I will discuss 3 direct quotes and how they are significant to the story and plot, and conclude with a symbol for Atticus. The first specific quote from Atticus and […]

Analysis of “I Worked Hard for that Furrowed Brow” article about Botox

Comprehension: 3) In “I Worked Hard for that Furrowed Brow,” the author’s final attitude towards aging is that she wants to age naturally and not have medicine, for example Botox, help her look younger than what she really is. The author wants to become outspoken and be able to express her emotions by no injecting Botox in her face. Rhetoric: 3) The main idea of the essay is that women are taking botox to be able help them look younger. […]

Analysis of Ellen McCarthy’s article “Oh, What a Tangled Online Dating Web we Weave”

Ellen McCarthy first start out her essay by giving examples of how people over exaggerate their personal features on online dating sites. This problem of fabrication is considered one of the biggest drawbacks for online dating sites. The author provides a study about lying about their features on online dating sites. The author concludes that people are still likely to present a version of their best self, even if that’s not quite who they are today.

Analysis of Thesis by Deborah Tannen “Sex, Lies and Conversation: Why Is It So Hard For Men and Women to Talk to Each Other?”

Comprehension: 1. What is the Thesis or claim of this essay? Where Does Deborah Tannen most clearly articulate it? The Thesis or claim of this essay is that men and women misunderstand each other that cause problems in their relationship. Deborah Tannen most clearly articulates it when she gives the example of when a women in college was frustrated because every time she talked to her boyfriend, he would lie face down on the ground, closed eyes and arm around […]