
Category : Biology

Ecological Study: Stepping Up Pack

Area I conducted my study in and around Mere Knolls Cemetery and Seaburn Dene. I chose this piece of land as my area of study because the effects of humanity and nature are both prominent in this area, and so it would provide good points of discussion in this ecological study. The area I studied is highlighted by the red outline. As you can see, there is a variety of different types of land within and around the cemetery, such […]

Transfer of Escherichia Coli

Transfer of Escherichia Coli By: Amudha Venugopalan, Sarah Councilor, and David Roehrich Introduction: Escherichia coli are prokaryotic bacteria that can be transformed by lateral gene transfer. E. coli are transformed by direct transfer which means the bacterial cell directly uptakes the DNA of the plasmid introduced to it (Wimpee et al. 2013). A plasmid is a circular small piece of self-replicating DNA, plasmids carry fewer genes therefore DNA can be passed between species of bacteria (Wimpee et al. 2013). The […]

An Exploration of Antibiotic Sensitivity & Resistance

An Exploration of Antibiotic Sensitivity & Resistance By: Tyler Ryan I.        Introduction Understanding antibiotics is crucial to the world of medicine and biology. Antibiotics are a type of medicine used to target and kill bacterial cell infections. A growing issue of concern is that bacteria cells are becoming resistant, or unaffected, by current antibiotics. This makes bacterial infections a much more serious issue. Research has shown that overusing antibiotics is the primary cause for antibiotic resistance (Solomon Berg and Martin […]

Effects of a Frequently Disturbed Industrial Area on Leaf Litter Invertebrate Communities

By: Mark Nie, Ricky Snow Abstract             Soil Invertebrates are an important part of the ecosystem in which they reside.  They are often overlooked because of the fact that they are so small and cannot be seen with the naked eye.  The following study looks at the species richness of soil invertebrates while comparing two different parks that were in completely different areas.  The parks that were compared are Pioneer Park in Kenton County, Kentucky and the second growth of […]

Ordovician and Silurian Communities

Ordovician and Silurian Communities By: Linda Zantout Taxon Count Life Habit Complete or Broken Body or Mold Period Trepostomes 2 Epifaunal Suspension Feeder Broken Body Ordovician Platystropha 4 Epifaunal Suspension Feeder Complete Mold Ordovician Homotrypa 1 Epifaunal Suspension Feeder Broken Mold Ordovician Batostomella 3 Epifaunal Suspension Feeder Broke Mold Ordovician Strophomena 1 Epifaunal Suspension Feeder Broken Mold Ordovician Crinoids 3 Epifaunal Suspension Feeder Broken Body Ordovician Laptaena 1 Epifaunal Suspension Feeder Broken Mold Ordovician     Data Analysis and Interpretation […]

Regeneration Of Planaria Dugesia and Annelid Lumbriculus

Abstract Planaria Dugesia and Annelid Lumbriculus were observed in three different solutions (freshwater, 2.5mM locostatin, and 2.5 mM colchicine) after being cut in half sagittally.  The purpose of this experiment was to test the significance of the worms’ environment on their regeneration process. Over the course of ten days, all worms in colchicine eventually died while both species of worms in freshwater and in locostatin solution survived and successfully completed regeneration.  The results are significant because it exemplifies that regeneration […]