
Category : Chemisty

Mendelian Genetics with Drosophila

Written by Lauren  Objective: To explore the basic principles of genetics such as Medelian genetics using the model organism, Drosophila melanogaster. Introduction: Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, observed heritable traits in the common pea plant and discovered several key basic principles in Genetics. The pea plant was perfect organism for Mendel to observe because it reproduces quickly, and in large numbers, and is fairly easy to manipulate. What he discovered was that there are 7 inheritable traits that only have […]

Synthesis of Aspirin

Written by Katie Introduction Methyl Salicylate is a naturally occurring chemical that is obtained from winter green oil that can be used to synthesize Salicylic Acid. Methyl Salicylate is a phenol with a acetyl group in the ortho position. This carbonyl group can undergo typical carbonyl addition-elimination reactions. An addition elimination reaction occurs at the carbonyl carbon where a nucleophile attacks the highly electrophilic carbonyl carbon. The carbonyl carbon is more electrophilic than the other carbons because the double bonded […]

The Wittig Reaction

Written by Michael Purpose:  The purpose of this experiment was to learn about the use of carbanions and stablilized carbanions in synthesis through performing a synthesis that constructs a carbon-carbon bond.  Another purpose of this experiment lies in the purification of an organic base using an acidic aqueous extraction. Experimental: All experimental procedure, observations, and data can be found in Appendix D. Results and Discussion: In the first step, we prepare triphenyl(4-pyridinylmethyl)phosphonium chloride.riphenyl(4-pyridinylmethyl)phosphonium chloride.  After the reaction ran to completion, […]

Spectroscopy & Protein Characterization: SDS PAGE and Spectroscopic Analysis of an Unknown Protein

Written by Emily ABSTRACT: Characterizing proteins is useful for determining structural, functional, and other biologically important information. In this experiment, an unknown protein (E) was analyzed, and was found to weigh approximately 50kDa (50,000 g/mol) and have a concentration of 1.56 mg/mL. This data was found using absorbance spectroscopy and SDS-PAGE. These are just two techniques for analyzing proteins out of a plethora of techniques available, and the data gathered from these techniques is useful, but not enough to form […]

Intro to Organometallics: The Heck Reaction

Written by Hannah Introduction The purpose of this lab was to perform a Heck reaction between an unknown isomer of bromoiodobenzene and acrylic acid and understand the mechanism involved. The unknown, isolated product, is a trans disubstituted alkene. The final product’s exact structure was determined through analysis by 1H-NMR. o-bromoiodobenzene                 acrylic acid                                   trans-2-bromocinnamic acid2 282 […]

The Synthesis of N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) with Thiosemicarbazides as Potential Antimalarial Agents

Written by Alexis Acknowledgements I would like to thank the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry for providing me with the necessary instruments that were needed for my study. I would like to thank Dr. Alvin A. Holder for allowing me to participate in his research lab and for working diligently alongside me. I would also like to thank the students of the Holder Research Lab for their involvement in the lab and for helping to ease along the progression of […]